The plancha has always been considered a convivial tool and has satisfied a large number of diners, since its creation in the 19th century with the stone plancha. Today, the concept is more modern and continues to gather and develop, notably by offering several cooking methods. Among others, the gas plancha allows to combine simplicity, creativity, all while preserving its original human heat.

plancha pour les professionnels

Which kitchen is suitable?

Traditional or more original, the gas griddle allows you to vary the pleasures and offers an infinite number of possibilities for culinary creations.

  • Marinade, the secret to bringing flavour to your dishes. Choose a tasty oil base such as olive, hazelnut or coconut oil, and add other flavours as you wish. Spices, honey or soy will bring an oriental note to your plancha, but prefer lemon, garlic and herbs if you want to stay in the classic or Provençal style.

  • Crunchy or melting vegetables! From mushrooms to tomatoes to fennel, it is easy to adapt the cooking time to your guests' preferences. For wok-style cooking, blanch your vegetables by pre-cooking them in water (4 to 15 minutes) before searing them on the plancha, which will give them a soft texture, ideal for your carrots for example.

  • Subtly caramelised and stewed fruits. Whether you choose banana or pineapple, all your fruits can be cooked a la plancha, so as to make a quick and sophisticated dessert by accompanying them with a syrup or coulis, mint or basil.

  • Meat seared the way you want it, in a healthy way. Blue, rare or medium-rare: each of your guests can enjoy their meat to their own taste, by customising the heat intensity of our appliances.

  • Fresh fish! Prawns, scallops, trout or mussels, seafood has the particularity of preserving omega-3 fatty acids. Be careful, though, as cooking time is crucial to the success of your dishes, and of course fresh is best.

Launching your plancha

First of all, switch on your appliance by simply turning it on. gas burners located under the hob of the appliance.

There's no need to grease the griddle as our cooking method allows you to cook without unnecessary fat. All you have to do is wait until your griddle is perfectly hot before you can get started. To be sure, pour in a few drops of water and wait for them to turn into marbles.

Best practice

You know that, cooking time is the key to a successful plancha.

  • 1 to 2 min for fish fillets (use baking paper for a tender product)
  • 3 to 5 min on each side for red meats
  • 5 to 10 min for shellfish, depending on size
  • 7 to 8 min for vegetables
  • 7 to 15 min for fruit
  • 10 min for red meat brochettes
  • 20 min for white meat brochettes

As far as herbs are concerned, prefer dry herbs (thyme, rosemary), which can withstand the heat. If you wish to use fresh herbs, add them at the end of cooking, just before serving. 

The benefits 

Our cooking hobs in food-grade stainless steel are warmer on the inside than on the outside. You can therefore place your hands against the appliance to keep warm if you need to. adapt the heat types of preparations.

Slightly curved, These plates also allow juices and fats to slide directly into the easy-to-clean drip tray.

Owner a certified thermocouple, our appliances shut off the gas supply if the flame goes out, making them ideal for use in the event of a fire. fully secure.

As already mentioned, you can personalise your cooking by regulating the heating temperature using the adjustment knobs on the underside of the wooden tray. For maximum discretion, the gas bottle is integrated into the base, as is the grease trap.

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